Crop Report: May 11th, 2022
Conventionals – 85% of transplants are completed. Early plantings continue to grow and develop as expected; we should see full bloom by next week.
San Marzano Style – Transplanting is completed. Crop growth continues to progress and is looking good.
Organics – Transplanting is completed. Plants are growing nicely and looking good. Tomatoes experienced full bloom and we will begin to see fruit form in the coming weeks. Normal cultural practices and crop protection continue.
Organics – Growers continue thinning orchards. Fruit size continues to look good. All normal cultural practices and crop protection continue.
Conventionals – Inclement weather, including two frosts and a recent hail event in our northern peach district, has us concerned about being approximately 9% short of our already tight estimate. Growers continue thinning their orchards. Fruit is making good progress with last week’s warmer weather. So far there has been plenty of labor. Normal cultural practices continue in all orchards.
Fruit development is progressing well. Various fruit sizes can be seen on the trees with smaller fruit naturally dropping off. This is the tree’s way of thinning in order to dedicate all of its resources to the best fruit set for harvest. Fruit volume looks good so far for an average crop. All normal cultural practices and crop protections continue.
Fruit continues to look good. Early season estimates look good for meeting our expected tonnage this year. All normal cultural practices and crop protections continue.
Cherry crop development is tracking behind compared to last year. Due to freezes, hail events and a bit of sleet, we are currently estimating a potential crop yield 65% of normal. All cultural practices and crop protection continue as needed.
Fruit continues to grow and is trending on the larger side this year. Larger fruit is an indicator of less overall tonnage. All normal cultural practices and crop protections continue.
Thailand: Weather has been ideal for the summer harvest season (February-May). Facilities were able to meet their crop estimates. Winter crop (August-December) is looking good and is also expected to be stable. COVID is still a present issue with migrant workers. Previously migrant workers were to remain at the same factory during their time in the country. New laws allow migrant workers to move from factory to factory causing labor inconsistencies at the plants.
Indonesia: Crop estimates look promising due to increased plantings this year. Ocean freight continues to experience delays.
Peru: Crop is steady and production is moving closer to 80% capacity. Labor laws have increased the minimum wage significantly as inflation continues to raise costs.
Mandarin Oranges
China: Crop tonnage is constrained resulting in less inventory available to the market. COVID is still causing supply chain issues with government shut downs and travel constraints, resulting in labor continuing to be a concern. Crop estimates look good for the Hubei region. Zhejiang region suffered freeze damage effecting overall crop tonnage. Recent government mandates have also transitioned some of these farms from mandarins to rice, wheat, and grain production in an attempt to decrease their need and dependency to import these items from other regions.