
Crop Report: September 2024

Stay informed about weather impacts, crop development, and harvesting progress.
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Organics – Harvest is complete.

San Marzano Style, Pear Tomatoes– Harvest is complete.

Conventional Tomatoes – Harvest continues and is going well. Growers have persevered a light rain from this past weekend and completed their loads of tomatoes. Despite the rain, the tomatoes are still looking good. It was anticipated that we’d start to see a yield decline due to the extreme heat in July, but overall, field yields are looking to be positive.



Modesto/Madera/Kingsburg – We are currently picking the Lilliland, Starn and Sullivan varieties. The early varietal group came in at 99% of the estimate. The late varietal group will come in around 95% of the estimate. The extra lates are coming in much lighter than anticipated. This summer’s record heat took its toll on the later varieties; between fruit dropping and fruit not sizing, we expect to come in around 87% of estimate for the extra lates. The last day of harvest will be by the end of next week.

Madera – We ended at 88% percent of estimate for the late varietal group. We will start the Starn variety tomorrow, which is the last variety. Quality seems better than the lates. Harvest will be complete by the end of the week.

Organic Peaches – Kingsburg – Harvest is complete.

Northern Peaches – The peach harvest in the north is coming to an end. Growers are getting relief from the size and quality of the fruit from the extra late varieties, i.e. Starn and Sullivan. As far as total tonnage in the north, we predict we will be 94% of estimate for the entirety of the harvest season.



River and Linden Districts – Harvest is complete.

Mendocino and Lake Districts – Mendocino growers have wrapped up harvest. They came in close to estimate, which was well below their average. Lake County growers continue to harvest. They are coming up a lot shorter than they anticipated. The fruit volume is just not there. They should wrap up harvest by the middle of next week.

Pacific Northwest – Pacific Northwest Bartlett pears are 90% harvested. We will finish harvest with the contracted amount with good quality and maturity.



Bakersfield – Madera -Harvest is moving along, and we are now well over halfway through. One grower in the Bakersfield area has already completed and delivered his contracted tonnage. All other growers are on track to fill their contracted tonnages as well. Harvest should be completed by the end of this week.



Harvest is complete.



Harvest is complete.



The Pacific Northwest apple crop is estimated at 90% of last year’s crop for volume. The apple harvest has started and will continue through November. Overall quality is good.

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Did You Know?

Canned fruits and tomatoes are packed within just a few hours of being harvested at the peak of ripeness.

Did you know